Monday, August 10, 2009

Going into the back woods

This morning I woke to a cool 45 degrees! Norm and I (mostly Norm) took down our tent, packed up the Toyota and ate breakfast in under two hours! Amazingly, we still have room.

We said goodbye to Vernal and the KOA and took off for Flaming Gorge to stop in and take some pictures. Norm has fished this river with Phil Frasier before, but I have never seen this part of the country at all. The drive up highway 191 was amazing. Beautiful country -very scenic.
We turned a curve and there was the Flaming Gorge Reservoir in front of us. We drove over the dam and walked down to the Green river.

Norm tells me there are a lot of fish in the river and it is a flyfisher's paradise! The water was green and the river is pretty here. But the most incredible sight was after leaving the dam on highway 44. Suddenly, after a few switchbacks below you is the other side of the reservoir! Amazing. Huge red walls surround a pristine blue lake. I sat and drank in the view for a while.
No pictures today though as my time in the Flying J Wi Fi hot spot is limited!

After we left Flaming Gorge we continued on and the land got flatter for a bit and no cars or people for about 40 miles or so. Then we found a small town, Kemmerer where we had lunch.
We finally found a place where we could connect to the internet in Cokesville, where I am now.

Whew! Fun day. We are on our way to Grays River where we are backwoods camping. No electricity or internet. Out of touch till Wednesday.

Till then.

1 comment:

  1. This is great. I'm following you guys. Have fun, T and Norm!
